selamat malam..ekk..pagi mungkin..
siswi xbace anything pun utk MUET esk!!
hahaha..rase cam da bijak je kan...=,=
xpa2..mase masih panjang..hihihihi..
malam2 gini..rase sebak la pulak..
ingat zaman2 dulu.haha..zaman sekarang..
dulu single..tak rase pape pun..
ala..budak2..ape tau..haha..
sekarang single..cm pelik jea..hahaha..
maybe sebab da rase diri ini tua da..
tapi still xlaku lagi..hahaha..=,="
xpela...mase belum sampai lg..
tapi ntah bile la mase tuh nak sampai..
sekarang nie sume orang nak cri pasangan yg cantek je..
ok..siswi memang xcantik pun..huuuu...
tapi xcntik..xbermakna siswi xde hati n prasaan..
come on la..even siswi gumuk..hati siswi msih kecik lagi..
msih tau ape itu sedih dan ape itu kecewa..
jangan berjanji andai kamu sendiri xpasti..
utk ape janji banyak2...then xtepati..
helllllooooo..sape nk tolong tepati utk kamu..
no one!!! so.stop promising..i'm sick already..
huuuu...mungkin nie lumrah hidup...
mula kenal mmg la kan..semua indah..
hahahaha..macam hareemmmm la kamu..
siswi xcantik!!dan siswi xjanjikan kecantikan utk kamu..
tapi siswi yakin siswi mampu jaga kamu...
tapi terima kasih jela...kamu da hancurkn janji tuh..
so..no use la kan..=,=
rasa yea...rase terhina..sedih..demm frust..hahaha..
kamu blah cmtu je sebab siswi tak lawa..
ok!!meh nak doa sikit..hehehe..
minta2 la jodoh kamu berganda2 xlawa dr siswi!!!
puas hati???yeah!!!hahahahaha...
so..no more love people...buat sakit ati je..
adeiii la..urm...bukan salah cinta un..
salah siswi la kan sebab xcantik...
sebab tu cinta xmau datang..haha..demm!!
wuuuaaaa...untungla jadi cantik!!!!
untung!!!!tapi xpela..xkesah pun..
ALLAH jadikan siswi xcantik..mesti ade sebab...
so..chill jela even ati da nazak...
if one day..my future IMAM comes n sees me..
the first thing i would like to ask is...
do u willing to accept me the way i am or
u will accept me the way i look???
if u accept me the way i look..thanx..
i'm not dat pretty..so..u can go n find anyone else..
if u accept me the way i am..
then..i'll accept u the way u are..
sorry yea...entry nie cam personal feeling..haha..
saje menulis sebab xde sape pun yg blh jd tmpat mengadu..
so..i think..this is the best way to release all my burdens.. =,=
aduiii...maaf yea sebab siswi memang xcantik..
kalau nak harapkn kecantikan tuh..
not from me!!!find anyone else..
sebab selamanya xkan cantik!!!
ALLAH..mekasih atas cubaan nie..
at least i know that YOU really care bout me!!
at least i know that how strong my love to YOU!!
and at least i know..YOU won't be unfair to me
just like YOUR creatures did to me!!!
mekasih ALLAH... :")
pssstt..maaf la..entry nie merapu...
sebab siswi memang useless pun!! haha..
aduiii..kena sabar lagila..hati..kuatla kamu!!
pray for MUET tomorrow n i'm just hoping..
everything gonna be okey even i don't do any revision...
psssttt..selamat malam sume...
make sure tido bace doa...=,="
best je kn..bgun2 je pg esk...trus jdk cantik..haha..:D
good nite peepsss...
gdluck muet =D
ReplyDeletewhen we ready to be in love, mean we're ready to be hurt
huuu..masheh syg..
ReplyDeleteyeah..sometimes..when we're not ready for love..but already hurt..hihi.. :D