selamat tengah malam..hehe..
siswi gagahkn diri tuk entry nie..
sekarang tengah menderita dgn sakit.. :(
doakn siswi cepat sembuh yea..
tadi bukak mukabuku..
hahaha..rase nak tergolek je..
my ex prince charming da ade org baru..
well..i guess he lives his life well..
at least dia dapat lupakan siswi..
for sure la kn..
i'm nothing to him..hahaha..
*dlm hati ALLAH je tau..
sekarang nie..siswi tengah menunggu..
i'm waiting for the right person..
malas da nak salah2 pilih..
hati siswi da merayu melutut da...haha..
so..selagi masa tu xsampai..
seru xsampai utk berkongsi kasih..
siswi single la yea.hahaha..
pray for my happiness and my health as well..
kuat beno sakit since duk rumah nie..
haishh..jeles la tu..hahaha.. :P
*siswi byk merapu skrg nie..whateva..haha..
mood:en snow white..
u r not the right person for me yet..
in the future..who knows kan... :D
*sedapkan hati sndiri..haha..
get well soon dear..sy pon kurang sht ni..hehe
ReplyDeletekte dijadikan b'psg-psngn..ad seseorang utk awk..2ggu dgn saba..insyaAllah,,ad yg t'baek dr-Nya
chill k! :)
get well soon..aten pun baru baek demam...:) mam ubat tau!!:)
ReplyDelete@Ct Mawa
ReplyDeletewaaaa..mekasih dear..hehehe..
yea..ALLAH saves the best man for me...hehe..loves to be single rite now..hehe.. :D
ReplyDeletehehe..thanx aten cyg.. :D
musim demam kot..hehe..
xsuke mam ubat but i'll..hihi.. :)